Hello from our Chief Executive

Welcome to our Spring issue of Here To Help.

The end of a long winter

It certainly feels like it’s been a long winter for us all, especially when some of us saw snowfall during April.

Nevertheless, the warmer weather is on its way and with that comes more opportunity to enjoy the outdoors again. As Government restrictions continue to ease, I think we’re all looking forward to being reunited with family and friends and enjoying some of the freedoms we’ve had to sacrifice during this time.

Whether it’s going to the gym, sitting in a beer garden, visiting the hairdresser or browsing the shops – these small comforts can make a big difference to our mental health and wellbeing.

Stonewater wants to play a part in helping communities move forward safely, so we’re encouraging everybody to get the vaccine when offered. If you check below, you'll see some useful links to information you might find helpful.

It’s been heart-warming to see so many people pull together during these tough times and my big hope is that we continue to hold on to the community spirit and kindness that we have shown each other.

Our services

Throughout the pandemic we’ve had to adapt to help keep everyone safe. We’re continuing to offer a full repairs service to all customers but, understandably, we’re working through a backlog so some non-emergency repairs can take a little longer to complete.

We really do appreciate your patience and understanding while we catch up.

What’s important to know is that we’re still here to help and you can see more about some recent changes to our services in this short video:

I hope you stay safe and well as we move further along the road out of lockdown and that Spring brings us all a bit more to look forward to.

Nicholas Harris