Spring cleaning: Our top tips

Traditionally, now is the time of year to clear out a lot of your unwanted items and give everything a bit of a deep clean. With having to spend much more time at home this past year, chances are you know exactly where to start.

But, given the restrictions we’re all living under, you might want to check what you’re chucking away to avoid any unwanted complications.

Time for a tip trip?

Before you load up the car with stuff to take to your nearest recycling centre, make sure you check your local council’s latest guidance for any restrictions.

Some councils are asking residents to book slots for visiting recycling centres, so make sure you’ve gone through the right channels to avoid being turned away.

Items for collection

Depending where you live, your council may be able to take large or bulky items away for you. Check first to save yourself the job of trying to work out how to move that incredibly awkward item that you just want rid of.

Some charities will also offer to take items such as sofas and other furniture if it’s in good condition to save you the hassle of trying to move it yourself.

If you’re getting rid of metallic items, search for licensed local scrap metal merchants that will happily collect from your home.

If you have arranged for any items to be left outside your home for collection, let your neighbours know by writing a quick note on it so they don’t think it’s been left there for good.

Think environmentally friendly

We all know it’s important to recycle to help the planet, ensuring that materials such as cardboard boxes go in the right bins.

You can help the environment around you by doing your best to flatten your recyclable waste to get as much into your bin as possible. Not only does this make it easier to be sorted but your neighbours will thank you for it too.

If you just can’t get everything in, most councils will collect neatly stacked cardboard when they collect your bins.

Check the recycling guidance where you live through your local authority – you might be able to recycle more than you think and send less waste to landfill.